UAA Updates March 30, 2009.
- Rebuilding USAID staffing – DLI Hiring – New Recruit Lodging – “Poor Cousins” -“Knowledge Services“
- Events: April 7, May 5, May 13, June 2, July 7
- UAA Survey Top Concerns for FAA61 Reforms
- Good Reads on FAA61 Reforms
- Contact Info Alumni and UAA Organizers
- Jobs
1- Development Leadership Initiative (DLI) Hiring [FROM UAA’s STRENGTHENING USAID Group – Turner & Brown]:
Congress authorized USAID’s Development Leadership Initiative (DLI) and the hiring of up to 350 new employees over the next 2 years. The DLI program is bringing on a class of 35 new employees on March 30. Processing and hiring of this large a number of staff is taxing the capacity of Agency staff. They had about 400 applications for this round. For each position they fill they are interviewing 7 to 8 applicants. HR would like to draw on USAID alumni to work part time – on a paid basis — over a several month period to bring each class on board. Candidates in the DC area are advantaged – those engaged will need to spend some time in the HR office, particularly in interviewing. We have offered space on the UAA website for USAID/HR notices when they need help so check this website (April).
The USAID Alumni Association also is working with USAID and training facilitators, helping organize panels of former Mission Directors (Day 1), Contract, and Program Officers. New Recruits will be included in UAA events. Let us know if you are interested in volunteering for any of the above, or offer suggestions.
The USAID/HR also will be seeking support in recruiting new FS and GS officers under the DLI program.
Reply to: or
2- Request for Short-term Lodging for USAID New Recruits!
The next class of new employees as part of the Development Leadership Initiative starts Monday, March 30. New staff spend 3 to 6 months in Washington in orientation and a rotation in a Washington Bureau, language training if needed – then they are off to the field. New hires recruited from outside the Washington Metro area do not get per diem during this time. Because of their short tenure in Washington, affordable housing has become a problem. Some do not bring their families. Housing is most needed during the first month or two as folks are settling into the Washington area.
If you are able to accommodate a USAID boarder for a few days or weeks or months or know of reasonable short-term housing, please volunteer or inform us at – include your name, phone number, street address, and confirm your email address so we can put you in direct touch with the appropriate USAID Human Resources staff.
3- FYI, see “The Foreign Service’s Poor Cousin“, Francisco Zamora (AFSA V.P. for USAID), Foreign Service Journal, Mar’09, p51: “…while State A-100 entry-level officers receive per diem benefits (ie, during orientation/training in Washington before assignment), new USAID officers in the junior officer intake program are denied them… …we need to change this unfair system.” Francisco’s introduction of Sec. Hillary Clinton to USAID staff and her presentation to the large gathering at RRB on 23 Jan ’09 can be found at UAA website Archives.
FYI, look for article on UAA formation in Front Lines in April [thanks, Tony].
Diplomatic & Consular Officers, Retired & USAID Alumni Association request the pleasure of your company at these Development Dialogue luncheons:
April 7 with STEVE SINDING, “Reflections on USAID’s ‘Golden Era’ in Population & Family Planning – Lessons for Us Now”
May 5 with JAMES KOLBE, “A Transatlantic Call for Renewed Leadership AND Partnerships for Global Development”
June 2 with HENRIETTA FORE, “Prospects and Challenges for Reforms in U.S. Foreign Assistance”
July 7 with PETER McPHERSON, (title to be determined)
All luncheons at noon at DACOR Bacon House, 1801 F Street, NW, Washington, DC.
R.S.V.P.: (202) 682-0500, ext. 15 or
[Lunch $20/person — two-course meal (wine, taxes and tip included) – Gentlemen, jackets & tie, please. If you RSVP, then cannot join us, please inform DACOR a day in advance; or, send a check to DACOR, address above — DDD organizers are responsible for guest no-shows. Thanks]
——————– also ————————————-
The 2009 SID-Washington Annual Conference will take place on Tuesday, May 5, 2009.
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. [A reception follows]
Venue: Omni Shoreham Hotel
Location: 2500 Calvert Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008
This year’s Conference theme, “Finding Common Ground for Foreign Aid,” will deal with issues concerning foreign assistance reforms. Some officials from the Administration and Capitol Hill are expected. Please register asap! Agenda and online registration are available at
May 13: GATE: Women, Trade and the Global Financial Crisis
Join us for a lively and timely discussion.
Given the current financial climate, what can GATE’s recent research and program initiatives tell us about the ways in which women and men participate in the global economy? How can export-led growth initiatives foster greater inclusion and participation of the poor, particularly poor women? What lessons might be drawn from recent trade research that may apply to the gendered effects of the financial crisis?
Andrew Morrison, Lead Economist in the Gender and Development Group, World Bank
Ms. Marceline White, dTS/GATE
Dr. Sarah Gammage, Social and Development Economist, CEPAL, Mexico
For more information and to register for this event, click here.
UAA Survey Update (Top Priorities for FAA61 Reforms):
Over forty thoughtful alumni responses were received. The compilation of these and a draft synthesis by UAA/SID-W Intern, A. Clarke, are downloadable in our members-only section as Word documents. We welcome your edits (use Track Changes), to UAA Organizers will prepare a final version and forward it, perhaps by early next week, to all those who have shared their views on USG overseas assistance reform priorities.
New Good Reads on FAA61 and USAID Reforms:
“A Transatlantic Call for Renewed Leadership AND Partnerships in Global Development.” Also the title to ex-Congressman Jim Kolbe’s 05 May DDD presentation (above), reflecting findings and conclusions in this new monograph by Carlsson & Kolbe — Transatlantic Taskforce on Development – German Marshall Fund of the U.S. (fyi, the GMF Task Force also included DDD speakers, Atwood, McPherson and Natsios).
Over 600 alumni now can be found in our members-only section. Contact for username and password — $50 contributions are appreciated to help pay for UAA web space, webmaster, and incorporation costs. Aaron Williams is UAA Treasurer. Please make checks payable to USAID Alumni Association or UAA and send them to the SID/W office : 1875 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 720 – Washington, DC 20009-5728, attention: USAID Alumni Association Working Group. By mid-March, we had received about $1300 – covering direct costs to date. Online payment by credit card will be available shortly.
There still are some problems in the contact database–eg, roughly one in twelve (1/12th) of email addresses still are producing “undeliverable” bounce-backs…in some cases, addresses were mis-transcribed or were indecipherable at the time of the RRB meeting last September .. we’re slowly tracking them down and correcting info. A certain fraction of people have changed email addresses since we began compiling lists over 18 months ago.
Your forbearance, please – so far, nearly all UAA work is done by alumni volunteers and an unpaid intern. We’re still inexpert in online communications and thus our “rustic” qualities!
Contact info for UAA Organizers, by Committee also is posted in the members-only section.
1 – William Carter M/HR/POD ( requested UAA to assist USAID/Afghanistan to find candidates for twenty-five (25) BS-12 GDO FS-02 and twenty-five BS-12 FS-03 positions ($64k – $117k salaries). If you or anyone you know is interested and qualified, check out these positions at and others at
2 – ASAP: Program Manager (Human Resources or Personnel Specialist); Mid to Senior level; Full time starting October 2009; DC metropolitan area; DTS consulting firm is recruiting for a Program Manager who will provide overall programmatic management as well as human resource management, benefits administration and personnel administration related services for a USAID funded global health support project. S/he will manage the overall operations of the project including recruiting, hiring, transitioning, placing and managing of approximately 200 professional positions. Interested applicants should send resumes and bio data forms to the attention of Sharon Williams at
3 – DTS also are recruiting a senior USAID economist with a Ph.D in economics with extensive USAID M&E experience to lead the M&E work across Pakistan’s economic growth portfolio. Interested applicants should send resumes and bio data forms to the attention of Sharon Williams at
4 – USAID alumni Kirk Dahlgren inquired whether any seasoned ex-officers might be interested in work with U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) on DoD development initiatives – Problem: you’d have to locate yourself in South Florida…
Check the website jobs page for future job opportunities.
Third UAA Exec Committee – 02 Apr 3-5p