By all accounts, the April 7th “virtual’ Retirement Ceremony honoring over one hundred SFS/SES 2017-2021 retirees, was a resounding
success. Over 400 retirees and USAID staff participated in the webinar. Administrator Samantha Power spoke (from Moldova, bordering Ukraine) in the Ceremony, as did Deputy Administrator Paloma Adams-Allen, new Assistant to the Administrator for Human Capital & Talent Management Adetole Abiade, and our own UAA Board Members Anne Aarnes. Ten SFS/SES retirees, well balanced among men, women, gender and diversity, shared their thoughts on their most memorable moments with USAID and on why USAID remains important. Chat rooms re-connected hundreds of colleagues from around the world.
This long overdue service recognition Ceremony effort, co-led by Tom Nicastro of our Membership Committee and Jim Bever of our Board, was a result of strong UAA initiative and welcoming Agency endorsement, bringing to fruition yet another feature of our UAA-USAID MOU together. UAA’s co-hosting of the ceremony built upon over six months of intensive effort at all levels between UAA and USAID. UAA will continue to support the desire by USAID senior officials to reinstate the Retirement Ceremony as an annual affair and to open it up to honor all levels of FS and GS retirees in the future. Please click here to view the event .
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