October 13, 2011 Minutes

USAID Alumni Association
Board Meeting Minutes
October 13, 2011

Participants: Executive Committee:  Paula Goddard (Co-Chair), ), George Hill (Treasurer), Nancy Tumavick (Secretary),  John Lovaas, David Cohen, Curt Farrar, Brad Langmaid, Larry Smucker and guest Ben Barber.

Approval of Sept 15 Minutes: Since not all Board Members received the draft minutes, Nancy will distribute again for final review and then provide to Meredith for posting.

Financial Report: The Board approved the Treasurer’s 2010 Report and the Form 990 for 2010 which will be submitted to the IRS. Both will be posted on the website.  The end of year balance of $8,618 is higher than expected. It reflects the fact that, due to hiatuses, the intern costs, a major annual expense, were lower than normal, which will not be the case in 2011.

October Newsletter: In order to highlight the information on the upcoming AGM, the Board decided to divide the newsletter into two separate emails to the members:

  1. Routine October news to be sent immediately including the Profile of Pamela Baldwin and David’s paragraph on web site; and
  2. AGM-specific news to be sent early the week of October 17 just before the event.

On a separate matter, Ben Barber suggested a Thanksgiving message to be sent jointly with other development organizations, such as CGD and Interaction. There was no Board discussion.

Board Election and Handover to New Board:

  • Thus far 68 votes have been cast online out of the 113 eligible contributing members. It was agreed that Meredith should send out one last reminder to the Constant Contact list to vote  before the Oct. 18 close of online voting.
  • There is no real precedent regarding handover from one elected board to the next and memories were vague regarding procedures. It was agreed to call a brief post-election meeting of outgoing/incoming board members immediately following the AGM to determine next steps. It was confirmed that the Executive Committee included the Committee Co-Chairs.  A question was raised, without resolution, as to whether or not the Co-Chairs of the Committees carried over with the new Board or whether selection/revalidation was required.

Annual General Meeting:

  • It was noted that, as required by the bylaws, the AGM constituted the Business Meeting for the membership, including the annual report of programs and activities by the Board Co-chairs and the financial report presented by the Treasurer. The number of online AGM acceptances was reported at 80 which was similar to last year at this stage.
  • A substantive issue discussed was the areas of responsibility for each of the Committees. The priority to do this now was to present a fully coherent Association structure to the membership to better focus and facilitate discussion at the breakout sessions at the AGM. The roles outlined in the 2010 Business Plan no longer fully reflect actual functions. Paula accepted responsibility for revising the statement of Committee roles, drafting agenda topics and proposing discussion leaders. Clarity is still needed on the division between the Membership Services Committee and the new Communication and Events Committee. It was decided that there would be no separate breakout group for the Finance Committee.
  • Other discussion of the AGM included final logistics including Gary to contact Linda W-B and to confirm to everyone the AGM Prep Meeting proposed for Wednesday, Oct 19 at 12:30 at Clarendon Ballroom
  • Nancy will review/revise newsletter language regarding distribution of Janet’s book

Next Board Meeting: Thursday, Oct 27 from 10:30 to 12:00 is the tentative date for the next Board meeting subject to confirmation of incoming Board members and identification of venue.

UAA Brochure: The Board reviewed the two proposals identified by Pamela:

  1. Select Judy Williard to design the brochure at a cost of $600 plus printing estimated at $778.
  2. Use Stanley Adams printer and use approximately two hours of their designer’s time.  The estimate for 2,000 brochures (black print plus two additional colors) would be $948.  The mock-up would be presented to the Board for approval prior to printing.
  3. In lieu of either of those two options, to save the Association money, David offered to develop a brochure on his own and thought that he could get the proposed design to the Board within next few weeks. His proposal was approved by the Board.


Submitted  10/29/11 Nancy M. Tumavick, UAA Board Secretary
Approved 10/31/11
