Minutes of the Special UAA Executive Committee Meeting
Friday, October 12, 2012
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
TetraTech Office, Arlington, VA
Meeting Chair: Ann Van Dusen
Board Members Attending: Frank Almaguer, George Hill, Jim Michel, Alex Shakow, Ann Van Dusen
Board Members Absent: Margaret Carpenter, David Sprague
Co-Chairs Attending: David Cohen, Curt Farrar, Nancy Tumavick, Pamela Mandel
Co-Chairs Absent: Paula Goddard, Brad Langmaid, Larry Smucker
Special attendee: Linda Whitlock-Brown
UAA Executive Assistant: Kristina Short
Note: This special meeting of the Executive Committee was convened by the Board Co-Chairs to review final preparations for the October 18, 2012 Annual General Meeting.
1. Approval of the September Executive Committee Meeting Minutes:
The Board provisionally approved the September 20, 2012 meeting minutes pending minor revisions. A final draft will be circulated to all board members for approval prior to posting on the UAA website.
2. Review of Final Preparations for the October 18, 2012 4th Annual General Meeting (AGM):
a. Final reminder:
A final reminder on the upcoming AGM will be distributed to registered alumni by Monday, October 15th and will emphasize:
- $40 meeting registration fee to cover AGM expenses
- The ability for contributing members to vote at the AGM
- The proposed UAA Strategic Goals and Plans for 2013 – 2015
- Venue information and parking options at the NRECA
- Reminder for attendees to RSVP Kristina Short
b. Elections Update:
- Kristina Short provided the Executive Committee with updated figures on online voting for the two open UAA Board seats. As of Friday, October 12th, 107 eligible alumni had voted.
- The Elections Committee agreed that votes would be tallied at the end of voting at 11 AM on October 18.
- Prior to announcing the winners at the closing segment of the AGM, the Elections Committee will thank all candidates for running. The Co-Chairs will also highlight their appreciation during the Co-Chair’s Report in the morning session.
- The Co-Chairs will remind AGM attendees that there will be 5 Board positions opening up in 2013 and will also emphasize the importance of participation by USAID alumni in the work of the four standing committees.
c. Catering Update and confirmation of cleaning crews
- Kristina Short will contact Panera to meet with its catering director on Monday, October 15.
- Coffee services will be provided by Mary’s Cafe from 8 AM until noon.
- David Cohen and Margaret Carpenter will coordinate for purchasing and dropping off food at NRECA on Wednesday evening. They will utilize COSTCO for the purchase of cups for cold drinks, napkins, and pastries.
- George reported that NRECA will help bus tables and will provide janitorial services.
- George, Nancy, and Linda will visit NRECA on Tuesday, October 16th at 4 PM
d. Registration tables:
- Margaret Carpenter, Nancy Tumavick, and Linda Whitlock-Brown have volunteered to assist with registration and membership contribution collections on Thursday morning.
- One table will be designated for voting
- Registration tables will include:
- Copies of the AGM agenda (Ann)
- Copies of the UAA brochure (George)
- Copies of the proposed UAA Strategic Plan (Jim)
- Copies of candidate bios and paper ballots (Kristina)
- Kristina or George will check for last minute membership mailed-in contributions at DACOR on Wednesday, October 17th.
- Kristina will draw up a list of everyone who has contributed and who has voted, and send it to Margaret and Nancy.
e. Agenda:
i. Co-Chairs Report:
- UAA banner will be projected
- Nancy will track down the UAA placard
- George will check to see if a computer is available or if the UAA has to bring one
ii. Treasurer’s Report:
- George will mention the organization’s 503c status and ability to deduct membership contributions in the year they are made.
iii. USAID Engagement:
- Alex will chair this session
- Curt Farrar will introduce Owen Cylke to discuss UAA engagement with Urban Affairs
- David Cohen and/or Pamela Mandel will talk about the E&E Bureau mentoring project, also to be addressed in the Strengthening USAID committee breakout.
- Ann Patterson, USAID contact for the mentoring program, will attend the Strengthening USAID breakout session.
iv. USAID’s Susan Reichle and David Eckerson:
- David Cohen will manage this session. Ann Van Dusen will handle the microphone during the question and answer portion.
- George will contact NRECA and see if wireless microphones are available.
v. Break:
- David will ask Jim Michel to make an announcement before the break to remind attendees to proceed after the break to their chosen committee meetings, each of which will focus on goals and plans as laid out in the draft Strategic Plan.
vi. Committee Meetings:
- The Executive Committee agreed to stagger the end times for committee meetings for the start of lunch.
- George will contact NRECA regarding the availability of flip charts and markers.
vii. Lunch
viii. Deputy Director Don Steinberg:
• The Deputy Director will begin his speech at 12:30 and will speak for 20 minutes. (A scheduling conflict later required that this be changed to begin the speech at noon.)
ix. Alumni Reflection:
- Participants include: Stacy Rhodes, Bob Dakan, Carol Peasley, and Alex Shakow
- Panel will be moderated by Janet Ballantyne
- Janet will bring copies of the USAID 50th Anniversary Book, if available for distribution by the day of the AGM. Nancy Tumavick and Pamela Mandel have offered to store excess copies and Nancy will assist Janet in transporting books into the venue.
- If the book is available, the UAA will make an announcement the day of the AGM
xi. Report from Committee Meetings:
- Chairs or other individuals designated by each committee will report out to the Plenary. Paragraphs from each committee session will be written up by committee chairs or moderators, and will be included in the UAA website to serve as an on-line record of the AGM.
- Ideas generated during committee meetings will be incorporated into the next draft of the proposed multi-year Strategic Plan.
- Pam will bring her camera and her photos will be posted on the UAA Website
xii. Election Results: The AGM will close with election results, and the goal is to wrap up the meeting by 3:30.
3. Other Items:
Cleaning Up Email Distribution Lists:
Kristina will make sure listservs accurately reflect current committee membership. Individuals attending the AGM will have the opportunity to sign-up for inclusion on committee listservs.
4. Next Meeting:
The next regular meeting of the Executive Committee, to include new Board members, will be held on November 15th, 2012 from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm at TetraTech, in Arlington.